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gAgB gCgD gEgF gGgH gIgJ gKgL gMgN gOgP gQgR gSgT gUgV gWgX gYgZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
V-GOLD groundnut oil +famil 29
VARTEX groundnut oil +squar 29
VEENA GOLD groundnut oil 29
VOM groundnut oil 29
sai om groundnut oil 29
NUTFEST ITC +groundnuts 29
POONAM brand +groundnuts 29
SHIVAM +groundnuts 29
SWAGAT +groundnuts 29
YASH GOLD +groundnuts 29
group DANS +drops 40
group SER velocity +oval 16
group jalgaon 3
A agarwal group +arc 7
A agarwal movers group 37
A.K.P. group 18
AAMAN group +star 37
AARJAY group LOVE +star 25
AASHIYANA group 37
ABUS group 16
ACE group 36
ACE group of companies 36
ACME group of companies +go 19
AETNA group 7
AGARWAL group +triangle 31
AGE agrawal group education 41
ALLIANZ group 16
AMAN group +star 36
AMEET group +buildings 37
AMRAPALI group +ovals 19
APNA group +square & arcs 42
ARCO group of industries 7
ARYA group +triangle 35
ARYAN group +pentagon hands 36
AV group 9
AVJ group +building 36
B balwan group 5
BABUJI group 3, 21, 24
BATRA group +circle 24
BBB bunts group 5
BEATERS music group +oval 41
BHAGAT group 1
BHAGAT group +star 3, 5
BHARDWAZ group 16
BHARDWAZ group +arrow 16
BHOPALI group 24
BHUPENDRA group +triangle 3, 11, 14, 19, 24, 25, 30
BIYANI group of colleges 41
BJ group jalgaon +circles 1, 4, 5, 10, 12, 17, 22, 23, 32, 33
BLACK ROSE group +circle 24
BLACK ROSE group +flower 23, 25
BON international group 42
BONFIGLIOLI group +circles 7
BORLIND group +leaf 3
BRS group +circle 16
BSM group 42
CAMOZZI group 7
CC CAMOZZI group 7
CHATTERJEE group +flower 7
CHATTERJEE group +leaf star 4
CHATTERJEE group +plant 5, 16
CHAUHAN group +arcs 37
CINNAMON group +tree 36
COLLINS group 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 35, 36, 37
CORE (group) 37
DAINIK BHASKAR group +sun 42
DANGOTE group +bird & circl 31
DELTA group tuition 16
DEVINE group 35
DHIMAN group 7, 30, 35
DHIMAN industries group 7
DJ group +globe 16, 35, 36, 37, 42
DOHLER group 32
DOLPHIN group 42
DOSTI group +hands 36
DOSTI group +hands & hut 42
DOSTI group +hands triangle 16, 19
DPG group +circle 20, 30
DPG delhi POLICY group 35, 41
DS group 16, 37
E embassy group +triangle 34
EAPL group +pyramid 37
EBAY group 35
ET intellengence group 35
ET intelligence group 16, 41
FAKIH group of companies 5, 12
FAQT group +arcs 9
FARIYAS group of hotels 42
FIAT group 9, 12, 16, 18, 25, 28, 37
FINN hotel group 42
FORTRESS investment group 36
G GOLCHA group ESTD. 1880 19
G GOPAL group +arrow 34
GAJRA group 37
GALAXY group +buildings 37
GARG group +hexagon 31
GATTANI'S OPG group 30
GEA group 7, 9, 11, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42
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